The final step in my winter journey. Nova Scotia.

I was put in touch with people from Halifax who let me stay in their cabin on the old highway.

Not gonna lie, today was the best day I had so far.

Judy got me a pair of ski's and a free ski pass at the Wentworth hill, I was glad to see that I remembered how to go downhill after a 10 year break.

A pickup truck pulled over and two ladies offered me a ride, I refused. While I've chosen to accept rides on some days, doing it because of the weather was not an option. And there wasn't a real need for it.

Arriving in the dark at Truro, NS


The heavy rain washed out most of the snow, it was like spring. And then. PONIES!

45km from Halifax my chain broke. For some reason that did not upset me. This trip was not about cycling every inch of the way. It wasn't some sort of crazy race.

It was about seeing Eastern Canada, meeting new people and trying to find out how much it takes for me to give up.

Once I hitched to Halifax, I borrowed a bike and went to explore downtown.

Harbor area at night

The Atlantic Ocean

There I was, on the shore of the Atlantic dreaming where I will go next. Alaska, The Dalton highway, The great mountain divide route, what about Central and South America?

Although there was beautiful scenery, this trip was not about that. It wasn't about reaching the Atlantic Ocean either. I was in awe by the kindness of strangers I have encountered along the way. I was amazed of how nice it feels to explore by bike. How small the country feels once you have traversed it by your own power.

And what's next?