1. January 3, 2014. Bic, Quebec, Canada
I was on my way to Bic, cycling in the dark on a particularly narrow road. It was -30C, my goggles got frost, so I am riding without them squinting and breathing air out sideways (otherwise my eyelashes freeze and that's not good). I get pulled over by a young police officer. I don't speak much french and she doesn't speak much English. I go with the usual: "Je vais du Toronto a Halifax", then she tells me people have been calling in about me and asks if I have a place to stay, I do.
She pulls me over 5 minutes later to write down my name.
2. April 19, 2014. Taigish Highway, Yukon, Canada
After a detour to Carcross I saw the junction leading to Atlin, BC. I wanted to see that big lake but riding both ways on the 100km road would be too much. Decided to eat dinner and see if I can hitch a ride.
A police suburban towing a trailer with a skidoo on it pulls up and I stick my thumb out. We strap the bike to the snowmachine and I hop in.
Lyle keeps talking to me about how beautful Alaska is and drops me off to camp at the park in Atlin. I throw my sleeping bag on top of the bench and enjoy the view!
3. April 26, 2014 Dease Lake, British Columbia, Canada
While there are articles and big forum threads of stealth camping, I am not a big fan of it. And never on private property. Since all non-private land was under few feet of snow, I looked at the police station's clear lawn and thought that would be a good spot. There was a phone there so I asked the operator and she said yes.
4. November 7, 2014. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Up until two nights ago, I didn't know Yellowstone national park was nearby. The problem though was that it was closed. But it was now or never. Not much on the road aside from some construction traffic, I saw more elk and bison than people, was the only person watching Old Faithful erupt. 25 miles from the exit a ranger truck pulls me over.
"You know the park is closed, right?"
"O, I thought it was just closed for cars." Playing confused works well for me, because I generally am!
"It's closed. Period."
He tells me I can just ride out though and warns me about bears. I tell him I'm going to Argentina and he laughs, then warns me about bears and tells me I can ride out of the park.
one of the perks of being in a closed national park...
5. November 13, 2014. Rawlins, Wyoming, USA
Weather s still going nuts. -30F nights, wind like I've never seen before. I'm riding out of Rawlins without a hat, smiling.
Police truck pulls over and drives way down in the ditch. We yell at each other since I am on the road but can't understand much. I finally push my bike down the ditch to where he is, ask him if I can film. He says yes.
He asks me about my info and where I'm going, it's good for them to know if there is a missing person report.
"There's lots of crazy people out there. You're not even wearing a hat!"
(video plays right at the police encounter)
6. December 10, 2014 Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
Today I got introduced to GOATHEADS. I am patching my 9th hole for the day in the dark on the shoulder of the highway (this one was a glass shard and not a goathead - for variety). Sitting down and wondering how many more until I make it to town. Police pulls over to ask if I'm okay. Tells me I'm sitting too close to the road. He asks my name, usual business, I wonder if there is a note already in their system: "crazy guy, not even wearing a hat".
Meanwhile, I found a solution to the goatheads!
7. February 21, 2015. Yosemite National Park, California, USA
So California has been getting very little snow and I decided to be a hero and push my bike over Tioga Pass (closed in winter). So I'll spare you the details but it took 4 days for the 50 miles. Mornings were ok to push and sometimes ride but by noon I was wading in 1-3feet of snow.
I get to the main highway on the other side, ranger pulls me over.
"Where did you come from?"
"Over Tioga Pass," he's the first person I've spoken to in the last 4 days.
"You're the one we are looking for..."
He tells me the rangers at the backcountry station (Tuloumne meadows) saw my bike tracks and were going after me. ON CROSS COUNTRY SKI.
They were concerned for my safety. Few minutes later I found the real reason: a ticket!
$125 for "posessing a bicycle in a wilderness area," apparently the paved Tioga road is wilderness in the winter.
Ranger passes me as I go down in the valley and waves at me. What kind of a person gives you a ticket and then waves at you???
I do a bit of hiking in Yosemite and go to their court to see if anything can be done about that ticket. Few weeks later I get a reply that it's been canceled. I put it in a picture frame and hang it on the wall.
8. March 23, 2015. Mexico Border, San Diego, California, USA
I am staying with the sister of a friend I met in Alaska. She tells me there is this awesome park right on the border. You can walk to the beach and stick your hand to the other side through the bars.
Great. I pedal south, get lost in the town and by the time I make it to the border it's dark. Whatever, I have lights so I keep going. I find the park and walk down to the beach.
On the other side are two mexicans. We talk for a little, they ask for money. I have none. Then I get this brillant idea to shake hands and stick two fingers through the fence.
Moments later I turn around to see the blinding lights of a border patrol car.
"What did he give you? Did he give you drugs?"
"No... we just shook hands."
"Put your hands on the trunk."
After a TSA grade pat down, he asks me how I got here. I tell him my bike is up on the hill. We hop in the car and start looking for it. That's where my passport is.
Another guy drives up and one of them is in the truck with my passport, the other is asking me questions.
"All good." We try to fit my bike in ther truck but no luck. They say they will escort me back, they turn on those bright lights and start giving me directions over the megaphone. Badass!
Since then things have been kind of quiet for summer 2015. I think there is trouble brewing for me in Mexico!!!